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7 Ways to Keep Doing Business From Home

April 09, 2020

7 Changes That Can Help Your Business Stay Open During COVID-19

As the world changes and people move indoors to stop the spread of COVID-19, businesses of all shapes and sizes have been faced with a decision: find a way to adapt to this temporary way of life or shut down entirely.

Although many non-essential businesses have shut down their brick-and-mortar locations, employers are still working hard to keep services alive and staff members employed. Businesses that are considered “essential” are still open during shelter-in-place order.

If your business is not included, you will likely be required (or already have been required) to shut down your location. However, there are several strategies you can utilize to get creative and add new services or connect to customers in new ways.

Here are a few ways other small businesses are staying afloat amidst coronavirus.

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